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Regular Associates
Associateships are six-year awards intended exclusively for scientists between the ages of 36 and 45 from and working in developing countries. If this condition is not fulfilled the Associateship privilege is either suspended or cancelled, depending on the case. Any change of address must be communicated immediately to the Associate Scheme Office.
Visits to ICTP
All visits under the Associateship Scheme are subject to the availability of funds each year and must be agreed upon with the Associate Scheme Office.
Regular Associates wishing to visit the Abdus Salam ICTP during the period of their award and requesting any kind of financial support from the Associateship Scheme, must apply exclusively through the Associate Scheme Office according to the following modalities:
He/she must complete the visit request on the following link by 30 November of the year preceding the proposed visit. Please note that the only visits which can be authorized must be requested, with a provisional indication of the dates, by this date (this is essential to plan the programme for the following year).
In order to receive the invitation letter, all Associates must communicate the exact dates of their visit three months before the starting date indicated on their Form A. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the proposed visit. Moreover, only one change in the date of their visit can be considered before it is automatically cancelled.
Wherever possible, Regular Associates are encouraged to visit the Abdus Salam ICTP outside the Summer, when there is a serious problem of overcrowding, unless there is an activity within their scientific interest during the above period. In Summer, the Abdus Salam ICTP guesthouses may easily be fully booked.
Detailed pre-arrival information covering all aspects of their Associateship visit will be sent together with the invitation letter.
At the end of their stay, Associates will update their curriculum and publication list when presenting their Form B (as requested on the form).
Regular Associates are entitled to three fares during the six-year period of their award for visits, which must have a minimum duration of 30 days (in order to obtain travel entitlement) and a maximum of 60 days, up to a total allocation of 180 days for the six-year period of the award.
Regular Associates may request to visit for less than the minimum required period of 30 days provided the travel fare is covered by sources other than the Associateship Scheme.
Associates will be provided with a prepaid ticket which they should request to the ICTP Travel Office (e-mail: about 60 days before their planned visit.
No requests for reimbursement of taxi fares, visa fees and/or for non-documented travel expenses will be accepted.
We remind Regular Associates that it is their moral obligation to stay in Trieste (unless otherwise authorized) for the whole period they are paid.
For female Associates only: Should you be pregnant at the time
of your visit, please provide us with a medical certificate stating
clearly your expected delivery date.
Outside visits
If, while paying a visit to the ICTP, a Regular Associate is invited to a meeting in Europe to present his/her work (poster, talk, lecture) or, if he/she is invited by an Institute, he/she may leave the Centre for a maximum of 9 days, with paid living allowance, provided his/her stay meets the minimum requirement of 30 days.
Associates should make a specific request for these outside visits either upon registration or at least ten days before the planned visit, providing the relevant documentary evidence.
Regular Associates should find financial support from the home or host Institute to supplement local expenses as well as any additional travel expenses which may result from outside visits. A detailed report should be brought to the Associate Scheme Office after such visits.
Application procedure
Click here for information about the application procedure.