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Last month, activities at the ICTP ranged from economics to neutrinos to the marine environment. For example, some 200 mathematicians, including Fields Medalist Jean-Christophe Yoccoz and Dirac Medalist Yakov Sinai, engaged in a world-class Workshop on Dynamical Systems. The School and Conference on the Mathematics of Economics marked a new research activity for the Centre--an effort to link mathematics, physics and economics to better understand the behavior of financial and social systems. The ICTP Workshop on Relic Neutrinos served as a gathering place for astrophysicists and cosmologists who came together to explore one of physics' hottest topics: the fate of the elusive neutrino. At the same time, more than 100 experts examined the ecosystem of the Adriatic Sea at the International Workshop on the Oceanography of the Adriatic Sea. And participants at the Euroconference EMERALD on Medical Radiation Physics Training presented their "standards" manual for medical physicists. Finally, ICTP organized two activities in networking and radiocommunications: an Autumn Training Activity in Trieste and a Regional Workshop in Ghana on "The Use of Radio for Computer Networking." A busy month indeed.

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