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Turbulent Mixing and Beyond

ICTP's conference on non-equilibrium turbulent processes attracts multidisciplinary, international audience

ICTP once again has hosted a unique, international, multidisciplinary conference and school on non-equilibrium turbulent processes: the "2nd International Conference and Advanced School on Turbulent Mixing and Beyond", which ends 7 August.

“The goals of the Conference are to expose the generic problem of non-equilibrium turbulent processes to a wide scientific community, to promote the development of new ideas in tackling the fundamental aspects of the problem, to assist in the application of novel approaches in a broad range of phenomena, where the turbulent processes occur, and to have a potential impact on technology,” according to conference chairperson Snezhana I. Abarzhi of the University of Chicago.

Non-equilibrium turbulent processes play a key role in a wide variety of natural and artificial systems, ranging from astrophysical to atomistic scales, under both high and low energy density conditions. To comprehend and control non-equilibrium turbulent transports is vital in cutting-edge industrial applications in aeronautics, laser micro-machining and free-space optical communication.

The conference is organised in an expert-to-expert format, to promote the exchange of ideas and to motivate discussions of rigorous mathematical issues, theoretical approaches and state-of-the-art numerical simulations along with advanced experimental techniques and technological applications. Along with lectures, there were round tables and poster presentations. In addition, ICTP has automatically recorded all presentations; these are available online.

Disciplines represented at the conference include fluid dynamics, plasmas, high energy density physics, astrophysics, combustion, material science, atmospheric and earth sciences, nonlinear and statistical physics, applied mathematics, probability and statistics, data processing and computations, and optics and cyber-physical systems.

Participants included leading experts and researchers at experienced and early stages of their carriers from academia, national laboratories, corporations and industry, and graduate students from developed and developing countries.

The conference was sponsored by ICTP, the National Science Foundation (USA), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (USA) and its European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (UK), US Department of Energy (Office of Science) and US Department of Energy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (France), Institute for Laser Engineering (Japan), University of Chicago (USA), ASC Alliance Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes (USA), Illinois Institute of Technology (USA) and Photron (Europe) Ltd., UK.

Visit the conference web site for details on the programme, topics of discussion and tutorials.


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