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News from ICTP 88 - What's New



Visiting scientists meet many of ICTP's in-house staff scientists during their research activities. But another segment of ICTP's workforce--the administrative staff--often finds itself working 'behind the lines.' Within this group is ICTP's Administrative Computer Section (ACS).

Created in 1987, the four-person ACS staff offers nonscientific computer support for Centre staff, consultants and contractors. Put another way, when it comes to number crunching and modelling, Centre scientists turn to the Scientific Computer Section. But when it comes to setting up databases or upgrading word processing programmes, the ACS is the Centre's service center.

The number of PCs at the Centre has grown from a dozen units at the dawn of ICTP's computer age in the 1980s to more than 200 networked PCs and 100 printers today. ACS staff maintain both the hardware and software for this equipment, and assist and train the Centre staff members who use it. The Section, in fact, responds to more than 1,000 requests annually. In addition, each year, ACS staff replace on average 20 percent of the Centre's hardware.

On another front, ACS has been computerizing ICTP's internal procedures--everything from the receipt of applications to the updating of visitor statistics--since 1988. The Centre's central electronic database deals with information related to most of the ICTP scientific activities. The database, which contains more than 300,000 records dating back to 1983, can be accessed through the internet.

Other databases--for example, information about visas, room bookings and medical insurance--have been put on the system to make the nonscientific aspects of a visitors' stay as unruffled as possible.

Because the Centre has been given more administrative autonomy under the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), ACS has been assigned the task of implementing software solutions for the computerization of payroll, attendance, procurement, inventory and administrative procedures. A state-of-the-art system is expected to be in place by the end of the year.

The Centre's growing computer needs, combined with endless advances in computer hardware and software, pose constant challenges for ACS.

For these reasons, anticipating the future has become a necessity as we seek to ensure that the Centre keeps pace with the opportunities that computers offer for improved efficiency and productivity. After 11 years of service (an eternity in the world of computers), ACS plans to replace ICTP's central database and to computerize such additional areas as travel reimbursement. At the same time, the Section has begun offering computer training courses to staff to increase computer literacy and facilitate work activities.

For more than a decade, ACS has been there for Centre staff and scientists alike: When submitting an application, receiving an invitation letter, or processing your visa, medical insurance or identification badge, the staff of ICTP's Administrative Computer Section is working for you 'behind the lines.'

Giorgio Terdina
Administrative Computer Section

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